Idrofos 150mg Tablet (Ibandronic Acid 150mg)

Introduction Idrofos 150mg Tablet is a medication that is commonly prescribed for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal

Flexura 400mg Tablet (Metaxalone 400mg)

Introduction The tablet form of Flexura (400 milligrammes) has metaxalone as its active component. This detailed explanation will provide essential

Flavocip 200mg Tablet (Flavoxate 200mg)

Introduction The active ingredient that can be found in the Flavocip 200mg Tablet is flavoxate. The purpose of this detailed

Bandrone 150 mg (Ibandronic Acid 150mg)

INTRODUCTION BANDRONE contains Ibandronic acid which belongs to a group of medicines called bisphosphonates. It is used to treat and