Metrogyl Gel (Metronidazole)

Introduction A topical drug called Metrogyl Gel contains metronidazole, an effective antibiotic and antiprotozoal. It is generally used to treat

Tazret Forte Cream (Tazarotene 0.1%)

Tazret Forte Cream (Tazarotene) for Skin Care A topical medicine called Tazret Forte Cream contains the retinoid derivative tazarotene. It

Betnovate S Ointment 20gm (Betamethasone 0.1%)

Betnovate S Ointment 20gm (Betamethasone 0.1%) Betamethasone 0.1% is the active ingredient in Betnovate S Ointment, a topical medicine. It

Candid B Cream (Clotrimazole 1%/ Beclometasone 0.025%)

About Candid B Cream 20gm Candid B Cream 20gm is a dermatological medication primarily used to treat fungal infections, such

Cetrilak Mild Solution 100ml(Cetrimide 5%)

Introduction Cetrilak Mild Solution 100ml Cetrimide 5% is the active component of the topical application Cetrilak Mild application. It is

Crotorax Cream (Crotamiton 10%)

Crotorax Cream Crotorax Cream is a topical anti-parasite, which is used in the treatment of scabies for killing the parasites

Fair and Lovely 25gm (Multivitamin)

Fair and Lovely 25gm: Enhance Your Skin’s Radiance with Multivitamin Power Use Fair and Lovely 25gm to get a fairer,

Hansepran 100mg Capsule (Clofazimine)

What is Hansepran 100 mg for: Hansepran 100 medication is an anti-inflammatory agent, prescribed for leprosy with other drugs. Hansepran

Pasitrex Ointment 20gm (Calcipotriol 50mcg)

Introduction Calcipotriol is the active component of Pasitrex Ointment, a topical medicine. Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder characterised by

Retino A Micro 0.1% Gel (15gm) (Tretinoin)

Retino A Micro 0.1% Gel A potent skincare product called Retino A Micro 0.1% Gel uses the ability of tretinoin,

Scabisin Lotion 100ml (Lindane 1%)

Scabisin Lotion 100ml: Effective Treatment for Scabies with Lindane 1% A pharmaceutical lotion called Scabisin Lotion was created to treat

Tazret 0.05% Gel (Tazarotene)

Introduction: Tazret 0.05% Gel (tazarotene) for Skin Care A topical drug called Tazret 0.05% Gel includes tazarotene, a retinoid derivative.